Product Details
Whether you’ve just gotten your blue belt, or have been in the blue belt “blues” for a while, this is the last frontier before moving into advanced belts. Some call the blue belt the paradox, the “easiest” (“easy” being a relative term) to get, but hardest to graduate from; some call it the buffet belt, where you learn all the new techniques. Whatever you call it, this is the belt where you start to learn that the biggest opponent isn’t whoever’s on the mat across you; it’s you. Some days it’ll be awesome and you’ll learn all the cool moves you’ve seen others do, and on others, you’ll be frustrated and feel like you’re smashing into the same wall over and over again. You’ll grapple with depending on muscle and superficial techniques or focusing and getting into the details of the moves that are going to make up your actual game. But right when you’re at the worst of it and you want to give up, THIS is when you’re about to make a breakthrough. THIS is when you know you’re about to smash that same wall you’ve been hitting. Our durable blue nogi rash guards will be with you every class you go to, night in and night out. It’ll be with you each time you choose to dig deep and focus on mastery over superficial moves. THIS is when you turn the corner, THIS is when you level up, and the Nogi brand will be right with you when you do.